Residence for students

51 fully furnished single rooms on 3 floors - those who live here can not only look forward to a room in the university city of Munich, but also to the best company. Young men from all over the world live here. It's not unusual to make friends for life and broaden your horizons while studying.

Our offer

Our rooms (10/12/16 or 20m²) are all equipped with a bed, desk and chair, large shelf, wardrobe and a washbasin. On each floor there are also shower and toilet rooms, a kitchen and a large living room, each of which is shared. There are also washing machines in the house that can be used for a small fee. At certain times, the residents can use the in-house sports hall. Behind the dormitory is a beautiful garden with a lawn, seating areas and barbecues. Our residential tutors regularly organise excursions and activities. So there is a lot going on in the John Mott House.

Rooms and prices

All rooms in the John Mott House are single rooms.
There are four different room sizes. They differ in terms of furnishings and rent. All rooms have a washing niche with hot water, a washbasin and a large mirror. In addition, each resident has a basic set of furniture:

  • Bed (optionally high or low)
  • wardrobe
  • bookshelf
  • desk
  • chair
  • mobile containe
  • hanging wardrobe        

All rooms in the John Mott House have a broadband internet connection. Only a small administration fee is charged.

small room

293 €
medium-sized room

316 €
large room

380 €
very large room

419 €
Deposit: two months' rent plus € 50 key deposit

Application for the John Mott House

 Prerequisite for application as a main tenant:

  • You are male and have a certificate of enrolment for the planned period of residence in our house.
  • You have a recent photograph and a short CV (with leisure interests, honorary posts,...), both of which you should enclose with your application.

Send the documents and the completed application form by post to the following address:
CVJM München e. V.
Studentenwohnheim "John-Mott-Haus"
Theo-Prosel-Weg 16
D-80797 München

The application period for the winter semester ends on May 31st, the application period for the summer semester ends on November 30th.

Our House Rules and - with regard to the processing of personal data - our Privacy Policy are acknowledged (Privacy Policy available only in German language).

 Voraussetzung für die Bewerbung als Hauptmieter:

  • Sie sind männlichen Geschlechts und haben eine Immatrikulationsbescheinigung für die geplante Wohnzeit in unserem Haus.
  • Sie haben ein aktuelles Lichtbild und einen kurzen Lebenslauf (mit Freizeit-Interessen, Ehrenämtern,...), welche Sie beide Ihrer Bewerbung beilegen.

Senden Sie die Unterlagen und das vollständig ausgefüllte Bewerbungsformular postalisch an folgende Adresse:
CVJM München e.V.
Studentenwohnheim "John-Mott-Haus"
Theo-Prosel-Weg 16
80797 München

Die Bewerbungsfrist für das Wintersemester endet am 31. Mai,
die Bewerbungsfrist für das Sommersemester endet am 30. November.

Bzgl. Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten wird unsere -> Datenschutzerklärung anerkannt.

Holiday letting

Residents with a main tenancy can sublet their room if they do not occupy it for some time.
In order to use such a holiday letting, the following requirements must be met: The short-term tenant is male and has submitted an application with a current photograph. A certificate of enrolment is not required for short-term renters.
In addition, it is helpful if you contact us personally before submitting your application.
Only if a main tenant releases his room to the home's management for holiday letting, the room can be rented. A holiday renting place can therefore not be guaranteed to the applicant.

Our House Rules and - with regard to the processing of personal data - our Privacy Policy are acknowledged (Privacy Policy available only in German language).


Janis Gottschalk


Theo-Prosel-Weg 16
80797 München
089 552141-40


Markus Ulrich

Markus Ulrich


Theo-Prosel-Weg 16
80797 München
089 552141-40
